We’re hosting a Summer Pet Safety Course on 6/26 at 7pm. Click to register if you can attend!
If not, read these tips to help you responsibly care for your pet while you enjoy summer.
1) Never leave your pet in a parked car! Cars can reach temperatures over 100 degrees in just minutes when it’s 70 degrees and hotter. See our temperature chart on Pinterest.
2) Drink up! At least 1oz/1lb of body weight is a good goal for keeping your pet hydrated. Our office pup, Archer, is 10lbs. He would need about 10oz of water daily, the equivalent of a medium glass. Cool treats, like ice cubes or these homemade pupsicles, are another great way to keep your pet cool & hydrated.
3) Hot pavement on sensitive paws is a commonly overlooked problem. Walking your pet on tar on a hot day can result in burns and irritation. Instead, opt for grassy areas!
4) Swimming is a great way to exercise your dog, but do it under strict observation. Some top-heavy dogs (think bulldogs & pugs) aren’t able to swim well, if at all. Look into buying a life vest so they can enjoy the fun! Have a pool at home? Make sure it is properly gated!
5) Fleas & ticks are year-round concerns, but infestations tend to increase during hot weather. Make sure your dogs and cats have a SAFE topical preventative, like K9 Advantix II or Easyspot, or a Seresto collar on. Check pets for ticks regularly. Please remember to consult the staff at QVVH prior to buying any over the counter flea and tick preventatives, as not all are safe! This also applies for flea bombs and other home treatments.
6) Windows can pose a danger to curious cats. Check your screens to prevent falls!
7) Vaccinations become extra important in the summer months. If you’re travelling and plan on boarding your dog, make sure you have them vaccinated for Kennel Cough and Canine Influenza at least 2 weeks prior to your departure. Outdoor kitties should be kept up to date on their Feline AIDS and Leukemia vaccines.
8) Sunburn is a risk for pets, too! Light colored, short-haired and hairless breeds are the most at risk. Every year, we see outdoor cats with burned ears. Please keep your pets out of the sun during peak hours, and investigate options for safe pet sunscreen!
9) Bites and wounds are two of the top emergencies we see at QVVH during the summer. Keep dogs leashed to prevent dog fights, and check them for any lacerations after romps outside. Never neglect a wound, irregardless of size. Contact us immediately!
10) Fireworks and thunderstorms really scare a lot of pets. Keep them indoors and content during these noisy events. Please contact our office to discuss further options if thunderstorms and fireworks are causing your pet unnecessary stress.